The pain and sadness of this dark part of Canada’s history overwhelms me.
As I sat reading and reflecting on the words of so many brave survivors, I could not come to terms with the utter feeling of injustice that filled me.
I will never understand how any group of people could believe that they have a right to view themselves more highly than others. Much less can I accept the fact that anyone would feel it is okay to erase the way of life of another group of individuals.
The way we live, what we believe, our families, and our cultures are what define us. I cannot imagine how lost I would feel if those aspects of my life were stripped from me, and it breaks my heart that this feeling of loss was inflicted on so many.
What pains me the most, however, is that the target of this injustice was families and children. Innocent families and children. These individuals were surely filled with so much creativity, love, and joy.
They did nothing to earn the harsh realities that they faced.
It is not right, not fair, and above all should NEVER have happened.
As a teacher, I have a chance to make a difference. I have an opportunity to love, educate, and nurture all of my students as the unique and valuable individuals that they are. Although it will be hard, I have a responsibility to share about residential schools in my classroom. On a more positive note, I also have an opportunity to foster communication, acceptance, and reconciliation in my classroom and to help my students become citizens who will not stand for injustices to be repeated in the future.
There are many wounds that are yet to be healed, but I am profoundly set on walking this road to reconciliation alongside my students, family, friends, and all of the citizens of Canada.
We have a right to all those who suffered and to all those who are still suffering to do better and I believe that with open minds and open hearts we can.