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Social Media VIP's

Every student is a Very Important Person (VIP) and classroom VIP systems can be an awesome way of reminding students just how awesome...


Did you know that teachers all around their world are turning to Twitter for incredible professional development opportunities via...

Being Kind Online (A Cyberbullying Lesson Plan)

Our students have the power to make positive changes in the great big digital world we live in. As such, one of the most important skills...

Social Media & Leadership

In her book Social Leadia: Moving Students From Digital Citizenship to Digital Leadership, Casa-Todd (2017) gives a brief overview of the...

Welcome to Miss Gauvin's Teacher Talk

This blog is the home base where I will share all of my general teaching ideas, classroom successes, and miscellaneous classroom...

Project Ideas

Below I have compiled a list of project ideas that myself and my classmates came up with in out Social Studies Pedagogy course. Idea #1:...

Social Studies Assessment Ideas

Below I have brainstormed a list of ideas on how a teacher could formatively and summatively assess students work in social studies....

World Geography

Why teach world geography?? So often, it is easy for us to get wrapped up in our small parts of this world and forget how much more world...

Children's Rights

As suggested by the UN in their Convention on the Rights of a Child, there are many basic rights all children should have and be aware...

Delightful Debates

Overview: In grades 4-9, the BC social studies curricular competencies identify a need for students to learn to ask questions, gather and...

Super Fun Sources!

Introduction Analyzing, interpreting, comparing, and examining the validity of sources are all skills that we expect students to develop...

Unit Planning - Tips and Tricks

One of the most important aspect of teaching is all of the planning and preparation that takes place before the teacher steps foot in the...

The Lasting Impacts of Residential Schools

( A Response to the TRC Legacy Section) This reading acts as a powerful reminder of how far the impacts of residential school spread. It...

A Response to Residential Schools

The pain and sadness of this dark part of Canada’s history overwhelms me. As I sat reading and reflecting on the words of so many brave...

Indigenizing Education

With the recent introduction of a new curriculum in BC, teachers are being given an incredible opportunity to help foster reconciliation,...

Exploring the Personal Context

Overview of The Personal Context The “personal context” is an important aspect of social studies. Someone’s “personal context” is an...

Beginning My Journey as a Social Studies Teacher

As I begin my journey towards becoming an effective social studies educator, I am excited for the opportunity to explore the new BC...

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