Did you know that teachers all around their world are turning to Twitter for incredible professional development opportunities via #Twitterchats?
This incredible format allows teachers to explore areas of passion and interest online from the comfort of their homes, classrooms, cars, or basically anywhere they have access to the internet!
If you are interested in joining a #twitterchat, here's what you need to do:
1. Find a #twitterchat that interests you. (I found this document really helpful: https://sites.google.com/site/twittereducationchats/education-chat-calendar/chat-calendar-pst)
2. Schedule that chat(s) you want to join into your calendar.
3. Look to see if the chat has a moderator (if so you may want to follow them).
4. Search the hashtag for the #twitterchat you want to join during the meeting time and browse through the most recent tweets.
5. Get involved in the conversation! (Don't forget to use the #twitterchat hashtag so others can see your posts/comments!)
Some of the best #twitterchats I've joined so far are #MMPD #tesoloz and #elemchat! If you have other favourites please drop them in the comments below!! Happy #tweeting!
